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Cumberland, Kelly
The output is an exhibition comprising a series of drawings accompanied by a site-responsive installation, where Cumberland constructed new work responding to the architecture of the space. Research process: Central to Cumberland’s research practice is an investigation into complex relationships bet...

Chambers, Paula
The output is a creative project, comprising a series of sculptures, drawings and objects. It interrogates those biopolitical and cultural norms that see women, and their bodies, systematically domesticated, exploited and imprisoned by ideologies founded on patriarchy. Research process: The work inv...

Dale, Nicola
The output is a solo exhibition by Dale titled ‘Insert Yourself’. The exhibition is comprised of a series of freestanding and wall-based sculptures, with an accompanying soundtrack composed by Jia Lee.
Research Process: The sculptures act as standalone works, but also have the capacity to be acti...
Barker, Garry
'You and I are discontinuous beings’ was an exhibition designed to celebrate the launch of the book, ‘Collective and Collaborative drawing in contemporary practice’. The exhibition was an opportunity to exhibit two large allegorical drawings that were also used as illustrations to Chapter 8 of the b...
Mosley, Duncan
On November 29th 2018, The Nicholas Treadwell Gallery published the book Superhumanism 3. This large monograph of the gallery’s history is the third volume in a trilogy of publications that chronicles the artists and artworks represented and purchased for the private collection of the international ...